What is important to avoid in marriage?

What is important to avoid in marriage?
What is important to avoid in marriage?

What is important to avoid in marriage?

Avoiding the Quicksand: Pitfalls to Navigate for a Strong Marriage

Marriage is a beautiful journey, but like any journey, it has its bumps and detours. Here, we’ll explore some of the key pitfalls to avoid to cultivate a strong and lasting relationship:

Communication Killers:

Stonewalling: Shutting down emotionally during conflict, refusing to talk, or withdrawing from communication altogether. This creates a sense of isolation and prevents problems from being resolved. Stonewalling is a particularly destructive behavior that can poison communication and create a toxic environment in a marriage. It’s more than just the silent treatment; it’s a complete emotional withdrawal where one partner shuts down entirely during conflict.

Understanding Stonewalling

Imagine you’re trying to have a conversation with a brick wall. That’s essentially what stonewalling feels like. The stonewalling spouse becomes unresponsive, refusing to engage in any form of communication. This can manifest in several ways:

  • Silence: One-word answers, complete silence, or simply walking away from the conversation.
  • Nonverbal Cues: Crossed arms, dismissive facial expressions, or a lack of eye contact.
  • Evasion: Changing the subject, bringing up irrelevant topics, or making excuses to avoid the conversation.
  • Defensiveness: Immediately becoming defensive, shutting down any attempt to discuss the issue.

Why Do People Stonewall?

There are several reasons why someone might resort to stonewalling:

  • Emotional Flooding: Feeling overwhelmed by emotions like anger, sadness, or frustration can lead someone to shut down as a coping mechanism.
  • Fear of Conflict: Individuals who dislike confrontation or have a history of unresolved conflict may use stonewalling to avoid further arguments.
  • Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Stonewalling can be a way of expressing anger or frustration indirectly, hoping the silence will guilt or punish the other partner.
  • Lack of Communication Skills: Some people simply don’t have the necessary communication skills to navigate conflict effectively and resort to stonewalling out of helplessness.

The Impact of Stonewalling on Marriage

Stonewalling is incredibly damaging to a marriage. Here’s why:

  • Creates a Feeling of Isolation: The stonewalled partner feels unheard, unimportant, and emotionally isolated. This can lead to loneliness, resentment, and withdrawal.
  • Hinders Problem-Solving: Without open communication, problems can’t be addressed or resolved. This can lead to a buildup of resentment and unresolved conflict.
  • Erode Trust: Stonewalling shows a lack of respect and willingness to work through challenges together. This erodes trust and weakens the foundation of the relationship.
  • Can Lead to More Conflict: The frustration of being stonewalled can lead the other partner to become more agitated or resort to unhealthy communication tactics themselves, escalating the conflict.

Breaking the Cycle of Stonewalling

If you or your spouse is stonewalling, here are some steps to break the cycle:

  • Identify the Triggers: What situations or topics typically lead to stonewalling? Understanding the triggers can help you develop coping mechanisms.
  • Take a Time-Out: If emotions are running high, it’s okay to take a break from the conversation. Agree on a timeframe to come back to the discussion when you’re both calmer.
  • Practice “I” Statements: Instead of accusatory statements, use “I” statements to express your feelings and needs. For example, “I feel hurt when you shut down during conversations.”
  • Active Listening: When your partner is speaking, listen attentively. Avoid interrupting and try to understand their perspective.
  • Seek Professional Help: If you’re struggling to communicate effectively on your own, consider seeking help from a couples therapist who can teach you healthy communication skills.

Remember: Stonewalling is a behavior that can be unlearned. With open communication, effort, and a willingness to change, you and your spouse can break the cycle and build a stronger, more connected relationship.

The Blame Game: Focusing on who’s right or wrong rather than finding solutions. This fosters resentment and hinders productive discussions.

Criticism vs. Complaint: Attacking your partner’s character (“You’re always so messy!”) rather than focusing on specific behaviors (“The dishes haven’t been done. Can we tackle them together?”). Criticism feels like a personal attack, while complaints focus on problem-solving. In the context of a healthy marriage, understanding the difference between criticism and a complaint is crucial. Both involve expressing dissatisfaction with something your spouse did or said, but the way you communicate that dissatisfaction can have a dramatic impact on the outcome.

Criticism: A Verbal Attack

Criticism focuses on attacking your partner’s character or personality. It’s often delivered in a harsh and judgmental tone, using phrases like:

  • “You always…” (implies a persistent negative trait)
  • “You never…” (implies a complete lack of effort)
  • “You’re so…” (negative label attached to their character)
  • “Why can’t you ever just…” (implies a lack of ability)

Impact of Criticism:

Criticism is damaging to a marriage because it:

  • Feels like a personal attack: It makes your spouse feel defensive and shuts down communication.
  • Breeds resentment: Constant criticism fosters negativity and resentment towards the criticized partner.
  • Erode self-esteem: Repeated attacks on someone’s character can damage their self-esteem and confidence.

The Complaint: A Focused Approach

A complaint, on the other hand, focuses on a specific behavior and its impact on you. Here’s how a complaint is different:

  • Focuses on the action: It targets the specific behavior that bothers you, not the person themselves.
  • Uses “I” statements: Phrases like “I feel frustrated when…” or “I would appreciate it if…” communicate your needs without blame.
  • Offers solutions: A complaint suggests solutions or compromises to address the issue.

Benefits of a Complaint:

Complaints are a more constructive way to communicate dissatisfaction because they:

  • Open the door for communication: A complaint invites your spouse to understand your perspective and find a solution.
  • Focuses on problem-solving: It creates an opportunity to work together towards a positive outcome.
  • Preserves respect: It delivers the message without attacking your partner’s character.

Turning Criticism into a Complaint:

Here’s how to rephrase criticism into a constructive complaint:

  • Instead of: “You never help with the dishes!” (Criticism)
  • Try: “I feel overwhelmed when the dishes pile up. Would you be willing to help me clean up after dinner tonight?” (Complaint)

Remember: The goal is to communicate your needs in a way that encourages cooperation and understanding, not defensiveness and resentment.

Contempt: Sarcasm, put-downs, and mocking can be incredibly damaging to a relationship. Contempt shows a lack of respect and erodes trust.

Mind Reading: Expecting your partner to know what you’re thinking without clear communication. This often leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Prioritizing the Wrong Things:

  • Neglecting Intimacy: Physical intimacy is a vital part of a healthy marriage. However, neglecting emotional intimacy can be equally damaging. Make time for genuine connection, conversation, and shared experiences.
  • Unrealistic Expectations: Fairytales and societal pressures can create unrealistic expectations about marriage. Focus on building a real and fulfilling partnership, not a picture-perfect fantasy.
  • Keeping Score: Tracking who does more chores, who spends more money, or who apologizes more often creates an unhealthy power dynamic. Marriage is a team effort, not a competition.
  • Financial Disagreements: Money is a leading cause of stress in marriages. Open communication, shared financial goals, and a clear budget are crucial for navigating finances effectively.
  • Comparing Your Marriage to Others: Every relationship is unique. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing your marriage to others on social media or through friends’ stories. Focus on building your own happiness as a couple.

Individual Neglect:

  • Loss of Identity: While marriage involves shared experiences, it’s important to maintain a sense of self. Don’t neglect your hobbies, interests, and friendships entirely.
  • Unresolved Personal Issues: Past baggage from past relationships or personal issues can resurface in marriage. Seek professional help if needed to address these issues and prevent them from affecting your marriage.
  • Codependency: Being overly reliant on your spouse for your happiness or emotional well-being is unhealthy. Develop healthy coping mechanisms and maintain a sense of independence.

External Threats:

Affairs and Infidelity: Betrayal shatters trust and can be devastating to a marriage. Open communication, emotional connection, and addressing underlying issues are crucial to prevent infidelity. Infidelity, often referred to as having an affair or cheating, is a violation of the emotional and/or physical exclusivity within a marriage. It’s a devastating blow to trust and can shatter the foundation of a relationship.

Understanding Infidelity

Infidelity can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Sexual Affairs: Engaging in sexual intimacy with someone outside the marriage.
  • Emotional Affairs: Developing a deep emotional connection with someone other than your spouse, even without physical intimacy.
  • Online Infidelity: Sexting, cybersex, or developing an emotional attachment through online interactions.

Regardless of the specifics, infidelity signifies a breach of trust and commitment within the marriage.

Why Do Affairs Happen?

There’s no single reason why someone might have an affair. Here are some potential contributing factors:

  • Lack of Emotional Connection: Feeling emotionally neglected or disconnected from your spouse can create a void that someone else might fill.
  • Unsatisfying Sex Life: Sexual dissatisfaction in the marriage can lead someone to seek fulfillment elsewhere.
  • Communication Issues: Ineffective communication can make it difficult to address problems within the relationship, pushing partners apart.
  • Midlife Crisis: A period of self-doubt or a desire for change can lead some people to stray from their marriage.
  • Opportunity: Spending time alone with someone else, work travel, or emotional vulnerability can create an environment where infidelity becomes more likely.

The Impact of Infidelity

The discovery of infidelity can be incredibly painful and have a significant impact on both partners, as well as the relationship as a whole. Here are some potential consequences:

  • Emotional Trauma: Betrayal can lead to feelings of anger, sadness, depression, and anxiety.
  • Loss of Trust: Rebuilding trust after infidelity takes time and effort, if possible at all.
  • Damage to Self-Esteem: Being cheated on can damage a person’s self-worth and confidence.
  • Impact on Children: Children can be deeply affected by the fallout of infidelity, experiencing emotional distress and confusion.
  • Relationship Dissolution: Infidelity is a leading cause of divorce, although some couples do choose to work through it with professional help.

Recovering from Infidelity

Recovering from infidelity is a complex process that requires commitment from both partners. Here are some steps that might be helpful:

  • Individual Therapy: Both partners may benefit from individual therapy to address their own emotional responses to the situation.
  • Couples Therapy: A couples therapist can provide a safe space for open communication, rebuilding trust, and deciding on the future of the relationship.
  • Radical Honesty: Complete honesty and transparency are crucial for rebuilding trust.
  • Time and Patience: Healing takes time. Don’t expect the pain to disappear overnight.
  • Focus on Forgiveness: Forgiveness is not for the other person, but for your own emotional well-being. However, forgiveness is a process, not an obligation.

Remember: Every relationship is unique. There’s no guarantee that a marriage can recover from infidelity. The decision to stay or leave is a deeply personal one.

Additional Resources:

Consider including a list of resources for couples dealing with infidelity, such as hotlines, websites, or support groups specializing in couples therapy or infidelity recovery.

In-Law Interference: Overly involved in-laws can create tension and conflict. Establishing healthy boundaries and open communication with your spouse are essential. Few things can test the waters of a new marriage quite like in-law interference. Here’s a roadmap for navigating this tricky territory and building healthy boundaries with your spouse’s family:

Understanding the Issue:

In-law interference can manifest in various ways:

  • Unwanted Advice: Overly critical or intrusive comments on your lifestyle, finances, or child-rearing.
  • Favoritism: One spouse’s family consistently favoring their child over their partner.
  • Overstepping Boundaries: In-laws constantly dropping by uninvited or expecting you to spend holidays solely with their family.
  • Manipulation: In-laws trying to pit the spouses against each other or guilt-tripping them to get their way.

Impact on Marriage:

In-law interference can create significant tension and conflict within a marriage:

  • Strained Communication: Tension with in-laws can lead to communication breakdowns between spouses.
  • Resentment: Feeling constantly undermined or disrespected by in-laws can foster resentment towards both the in-laws and your spouse.
  • Power Imbalances: In-law interference can create an unhealthy power dynamic within the marriage.

Strategies for Effective Management:

Building healthy boundaries is key to managing in-law interference:

  • Open Communication with Spouse: Discuss your concerns with your spouse honestly and openly. Develop a united front on how to handle their family.
  • Establish Boundaries: Decide on what kind of relationship you want with your in-laws and communicate those boundaries to them respectfully.
  • Set Limits: Be clear about things like unannounced visits, communication styles, and expectations for holidays.
  • Direct Communication: If there’s an issue with your in-laws, address it directly with your spouse present. Let them take the lead in navigating conversations with their family.
  • Focus on Your Unit: Remember, your marriage is your primary relationship. Prioritize quality time together and building a strong foundation as a couple.

Additional Tips:

  • Develop a Relationship with Your In-laws: While setting boundaries, try to build a respectful relationship with your in-laws based on shared interests or activities.
  • Seek Professional Help: If communication seems impossible or the situation is causing significant stress, consider couples therapy with a professional who can help guide communication and boundary-setting.


  • In-law relationships take time and effort to build. Be patient and consistent with your boundaries.
  • Focus on what you can control: You can’t control your in-laws’ behavior, but you can control your reactions and responses.
  • Communicate with Your Partner: Open and honest communication is essential for navigating this challenge together.

By setting clear boundaries, prioritizing your marriage, and working together with your spouse, you can minimize the impact of in-law interference and build a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

External Pressures: Societal expectations, family pressures, or cultural differences can add stress to a marriage. Prioritize open communication as a couple and build a united front.

Building a Strong Foundation:

  • Open and Honest Communication: Talk openly and honestly about your feelings, needs, and expectations. Active listening and respecting each other’s perspectives are key.
  • Mutual Respect: Treat your spouse with dignity and respect, even during disagreements.
  • Shared Values and Goals: Having a strong foundation of shared values and goals creates a sense of unity and direction in your relationship.
  • Commitment and Forgiveness: Marriage requires commitment and a willingness to forgive. No one is perfect, so be prepared to work through challenges together.
  • Celebrating the Good Times: Don’t take each other for granted. Make time for fun, shared experiences, and celebrating each other’s successes.

By avoiding these pitfalls and building a strong foundation of communication, respect, and shared values, you can navigate the challenges of marriage and create a lasting and fulfilling relationship. Remember, marriage is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs, but by working together and prioritizing your relationship, you can create a love that grows stronger with time.

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